Panel connection details in existing New Zealand precast concrete buildings


  • Pouya Seifi University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Richard S. Henry University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Jason M. Ingham University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand



Following the 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes the seismic design of buildings with precast concrete panels has received significant attention. Although this form of construction generally performed adequately in Christchurch, there were a considerable number of precast concrete panel connection failures. This observation prompted a review of more than 4700 panel details from 108 buildings to establish representative details used in both existing and new multi-storey and low rise industrial precast concrete buildings in three major New Zealand cities of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. Details were collected from precast manufacturers and city councils and were categorised according to type. The detailing and quantity of each reviewed connection type in the sampled data is reported, and advantages and potential deficiencies of each connection type are discussed. The results of this survey provide a better understanding of the relative prevalence of common detailing used in precast concrete panels and guidance for the design of future experimental studies.


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How to Cite

Seifi, P., Henry, R. S., & Ingham, J. M. (2016). Panel connection details in existing New Zealand precast concrete buildings. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 49(2), 190–199.