A state of the art review on the analytical simulation of ceiling, piping and partitions
It is well understood from past earthquakes and experimental studies that non-structural systems suffer more damage and sustain greater losses when compared to structural members. Also, recent years have witnessed significant progress in analytical simulation of non-structural systems. Among these non-structural systems, acoustical lay-in suspended ceilings, fire sprinkler piping and light-gauge steel-frame gypsum partition walls were paid more attention as they contributed to the major construction effort inside a building and damage losses during past earthquakes. This state-of-the-art paper aims to make a comprehensive survey on the recent modelling techniques and sketches a vision for future analytical works that can help the community better assess and improve the seismic performance of acoustical lay-in suspended ceilings, fire sprinkler piping and non-structural light-gauge steel-frame gypsum partition walls.
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