Highlighting the need for multiple loading protocols in bi-directional testing
Major earthquakes, such as the Canterbury and Kaikoura events recorded in New Zealand in 2010-2011 and 2016 respectively, highlighted that floor systems can be heavily damaged. Quasi-static cyclic experimental tests of structural sub-assemblies can help to establish the seismic performance of structural systems. However, the experimental performance obtained with such tests is likely to be dependent on the loading protocol adopted. This paper provides an overview of the loading protocols which have been assumed in previous experimental activities, with emphasis on those adopted for testing floor systems. The paper also describes the procedure used to define the loading protocol applied in the testing of a large precast concrete floor diaphragm as part of the ReCast floor project jointly conducted by the University of Canterbury, the University of Auckland and BRANZ. Subsequently the limitations of current loading protocols for bi-directional testing are discussed. The relevance of local seismicity on bidirectional demand is demonstrated by examining a large dataset of records from the RESORCE database. It is concluded that bi-directional experimental testing be undertaken using at least two loading protocols that impose different ratios of demand in orthogonal directions.
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