A method for seismic design of RC frame buildings using fundamental mode and plastic rotation capacity
A seismic design method is proposed for RC frame buildings, with focus on two of the seven virtues of earthquake resistant buildings, namely deformation capacity and desirable collapse mechanism. Fundamental lateral translation mode of the building and plastic rotation capacity of beams are included as input to estimate lateral force demand. Guidelines are provided to proportion beam and column cross-sections through: (a) closed-form expressions of flexural rigidities to maximize participation of the fundamental mode, and (b) relative achievable plastic rotation capacity using current design and detailing practice. This method is seen to surpass two prominent displacement-based design methods reported in literature. Results of nonlinear static pushover and nonlinear time history analyses of buildings of three different heights designed by this and the said two methods are used to make a case for the proposed method; the proposed method is able to control plastic rotation demand in beams and provide at least 20% more lateral deformation capacity than the said methods.
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