Infrastructure failure propagations and recovery strategies from an Alpine Fault earthquake scenario
Establishing feedback loops between integrated modelling and participatory processes for impact reduction
While it is well established that community members should participate in resilience planning, participation with genuine decision-making power remains rare. We detail an end-to-end disaster impact reduction modelling framework for infrastructure networks, embedded within a scenario-based participatory approach. Utilising the AF8+ earthquake scenario, we simulate hazard exposure, asset failure and recovery of interdependent critical infrastructure networks. Quantifying service levels temporally offers insights into possible interdependent network performance and community disconnection from national networks, not apparent when studying each infrastructure in isolation. Sequencing participation enables feedbacks between integrated modelling and participants’ impact assessments. Shared ownership of modelling outputs advances stakeholders’ understanding of resilience measures, allowing real-time implementation, increasing community resilience. Readily understood by central government, this format may increase support and resourcing, if nationally significant. Finally, this method tested integrated modelling and impacts assessments, identifying and enabling improvements for both.
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