‘End to end’ linkage structure for integrated impact assessment of infrastructure networks under natural hazards
An infrastructure impact assessment process relies on the analysis of multiple types of models, the performance of individual infrastructure networks and the interdependencies between multiple infrastructure networks. Several models are developed for their specific purposes and there is a need to link these models for the assessment of natural hazard impacts on distributed infrastructures to deliver the desired outcomes on network functionality and disruption levels that are suitable to assess socio-economic impact. In this paper, an ‘end-to-end’ linkage structure is proposed to link different models by which various features, data standards, parameters and structures are linked in a transparent and consistent manner. The framework has adopted a dedicated knowledge discovery and data analysis process to acquire information around input and output parameters for each of these models developed by various researchers and used in risk assessment tools. The framework is illustrated by applying the step-by-step procedure towards integrated impact assessments of electricity, potable water and road networks and their interdependencies.
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