Industry impact of QuakeCoRE Flagship Programme 4
QuakeCoRE is one of 10 Centres of Research Excellence funded by the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission. With a focus on earthquake resilience of communities and societies, it has played a major role in addressing needs identified following the Christchurch Earthquake and other major events over the last decade. QuakeCoRE comprises a number of Flagship Programmes, including Flagship 4, which is entitled “Next-generation infrastructure: Low-damage and repairable solutions.” This paper aims to support turning research into practice by identifying the key areas of Flagship 4 that are likely to have an impact on the industry. Five key areas of impact were identified, based on a review of the published research, engagement with Flagship 4 leadership and the authors’ experience in the industry. For each area identified, summaries of the major research outcomes are provided, along with views as to how these can support the engineering practice.
Marder K, Elwood KJ, Motter CJ and Clifton GC (2020). “Post-earthquake assessment of moderately-damaged reinforced concrete plastic hinges”. Earthquake Spectra, 36(1): 299-321.
Marder K, Motter CJ, Elwood KJ and Clifton GC (2018). “Testing of 17 identical ductile reinforced concrete beams with various loading protocols and boundary conditions”. Earthquake Spectra, 34(3): 1025-1049.
Henry RC, Personal Communication, September 2021.
Elwood KJ, Sarrafzadeh M, Pujol S, Liel A, Murray P, Shah P and Brooke NJ (2021). “Impact of prior shaking on earthquake response and repair requirements for structures – studies from ATC-145”. Proceedings of the 2021 NZSEE Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Marder K, Motter CJ, Elwood KJ and Clifton GC (2018). “Effects of variation in loading protocol on the strength and deformation capacity of ductile reinforced concrete beams”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47(11): 2195-2213.
Marder K, Elwood KJ, Motter CJ and Clifton GC (2019). “Quantifying the effects of epoxy repair on reinforced concrete plastic hinges”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 53(1): 37-51.
Motter CJ, Clauson AB, Petch JC, Hube MA, Henry RS and Elwood KJ (2017). “Seismic performance of repaired lightly-reinforced concrete walls”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 50(4): 574-585.
Kam WY, Pampanin S and Elwood KJ (2011). “Seismic performance of reinforced concrete buildings in the 22 February Christchurch (Lyttelton) Earthquake”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 44(4): 239–278.
Sritharan S, Beyer K, Henry RS, Chai YH, Kowalsky M and Bull D (2014). “Understanding poor seismic performance of concrete walls and design implications”. Earthquake Spectra, 30(1): 307–34.
Blount SW, Ryan KL, Henry RS, Lu Y and Elwood KH (2020). “Evaluation of design modifications for enhanced repairability of reinforced concrete walls”. Engineering Structures, 206: 110034.
Taghavi S, Miranda E (2003). “Response Assessment of Nonstructural Building Elements”. PEER Report 2003/5 Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, University of California Berkeley.
Sullivan TJ (2020). “Post-earthquake reparability of buildings: the role of non-structural elements”. Structural Engineering International, 30(2): 217-223.
Mulligan J, Sullivan TJ and Dhakal RP (2020). “Experimental study of the seismic performance of plasterboard partition walls with seismic gaps”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 53(4): 175-188.
Mulligan J, Sullivan TJ and Dhakal RP (2020). “Experimental seismic performance of partly-sliding partition walls”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
Arifin AF, Sullivan TJ and Dhakal RP (2020). “Experimental investigation into the seismic fragility of a commercial glazing system”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 53(3): 144-149.
Sullivan TJ (2021). “Earthquakes and leaky buildings”. BRANZ Build Magazine, 183: 54-55.
Haymes K, Sullivan TJ and Chandramohan R (2020). “A practice-oriented method for estimating elastic floor response spectra”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 53(3): 116-136.
Haymes K, Sullivan TJ and Chandramohan R (2021). “Strength requirements for non-structural components responding nonlinearly under earthquake excitation”. Proceedings of the 2021 NZSEE Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Sullivan TJ, Arifin FA, MacRae GA, Kurata M and Takeda T (2018). “Cost-effective consideration of non-structural elements: lessons from the Canterbury earthquakes”. Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Arifin FA, Sullivan TJ, MacRae G, Kurata M and Takeda T (2021). “Lessons for loss assessment from the Canterbury earthquakes: A 22-storey building”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19: 2081-2104.
Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission. Final Report Volume 3 Low-Damage Building Technologies.
Xie RM, Rodgers GW and Sullivan TJ (2019). “Effect of damper sub-system stiffness on the response of a single degree of freedom system equipped with a viscous damper”. Journal of Earthquake Engineering.
Henry RS, Zhou Y, Lu Y, Rodgers GW, Gu A, Elwood KJ and Yang TY (2021). “Shake-table test of a two-storey low-damage concrete wall building”. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 50(12): 3160-3183.
Dong W, Li M, Lee CL and MacRae G (2021). “Numerical modelling of glulam frames with buckling restrained braces”. Engineering Structures, 239: 112338.
Dong W, Li M, Lee CL, MacRae G and Abu A (2021). “Experimental testing of full-scale glulam frames with buckling restrained braces”. Engineering Structures, 222: 111081.
Dong W, Li M, Lee CL, MacRae G and Abu A (2021). “Experimental testing and analytical modeling of glulam moment connections with self-drilling dowels”. Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(5).
Yeow TJ, Orumiyehei A, Sullivan TJ, MacRae GA, Clifton GC and Elwood KJ (2018). “Seismic performance of steel friction connections considering direct-repair costs”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 16: 5963-5993.
Yeow TJ, Sullivan TJ and Elwood KJ (2018). “Evaluation of fragility functions with potential relevance for use in New Zealand”. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 51(3): 127-144.
Fox MJ, Goebbels S, Keen J and Sullivan TJ (2021). “Repair Methods and Costs for Earthquake-Damaged Building Components in NZ”.