Monotonic testing of brace assemblies for piping systems and considerations for capacity design
Distributed nonstructural elements (NSEs), such as piping systems, are restrained against seismic actions using proprietary or, at times, custom-designed braces. The strengths of these elements are provided in the component brochures published by the manufacturers, with no information on their deformation capacities. Previous research on the seismic performance of NSEs provide several formulations to calculate possible reductions in design force by relying on ductility capacity of their seismic restraints. However, designers require a realistic estimate of the ductility capacity of the seismic restraints to use these formulations. This paper discusses the results of a test program on the behavior of brace assemblies under monotonic tensile and compression loading. The results are used to identify the potential failure modes of the tested brace assemblies and to quantify their ductility capacity. Further, design examples are presented to highlight the need for the use of capacity design principles in the design of brace assemblies and their anchors.
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